Common taxes in Canada
- Income taxes: Individuals and businesses pay taxes on their income.
- Sales taxes: Sale tax ( HST, GST, PST), Fuel Tax and Carbon tax.
- Property taxes: Municipal (local) governments calculate these taxes based on the value of land and buildings.
- Customs duties or tariffs.
- Health services taxes.
Which province in Canada has the lowest and highest taxes?
Alberta tops the list as one of Canada's provinces with the lowest tax rate.
Quebec has the highest income tax rate out of all the provinces and territories. Quebec is Canada's second most populated province, with a population of about 8.5 million, and French is the predominantly spoken language.
Among Territories:
Nunavut boasts the highest individual income among the Canadian provinces and territories in 2022 but, much like the other territories, has a very small population: an estimated 39,589 people.